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To create print and web design means so much more than merely slapping images and text together. It is an art of creating captivating messages, and requires a balance of eye-catching attractiveness coupled with the ability to display information clearly. I have a deepened appreciation for this complex art, and have learned that in order for my designs to be successful, I must take every element of it into account.

Music is one of my inspirations, and I often like to compare it to the design process. Imagine the role of the composer. They have to write every note and every chord so that it will flow with the rest of the music, and benefit the piece as a whole. The same concept is true for design. Every decision that is made is intended to enhance the overall design, to strengthen it. My designs result from considering all of the little details that at first glance may seem insignificant. Each color, text placement choice, font choice, line, and angle is well thought out, and enhances the effectiveness of the end product.

Inspiration also comes simply from the colors and patterns found in nature. For example, mimicking the rustle of leaves blowing in the breeze could add a sense of movement to a piece. Or, perhaps for a striking and powerful color combination, one would need to look no further than the brilliance of the whites, purples, and blues found on the snow–capped Rockies.

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